quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2012

Our Lady of the Annunciation

Who skims over the mountains,
Watch over us
Stay by our side.
Hope is a good companion.
With you,
we pray to the Lord:
Give us, Lord,
A sensitive and fraternal heart,
Able to listen,
And star over.
Keep us united, Lord,
Around the bread
And the word.
Help us to see
The way to go
On the winding
Paths of this time,
Sown by You and
Redeemed by You.
Teach us
How to make all your
Chrurch missionary,
And make each parish,
Which is the Chrurch
Residing in the houses
Of Your sons and daughters,
One big House,
Open and happy,
An atrium of fraternity,
From which we can
Always see the sky,
And the sky can also
Always see us.

Towards a missionary face
For the Church in Portugal,
Pastoral letter from the Portuguese Episcopal
Conference, 2010

Missionary Exhibition-Fatima
12 May-31 October 2012

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